Chief Burris' Fun Facts


Chief Burris' Fun Facts 〰️

Lemons float in water, and limes sink to the bottom. Why? Limes are denser than lemons.

The ancient Romans used to drop a piece of toast into their wine for good health. This is where “raise a toast” came from.

The plastic tips of shoelaces are called aglets. These tips can also be made with metal, but the purpose for the aglets is to make it easier to hold onto the shoelace while lacing the shoe through the holes.

Humans are the only mammals with a chin.

A computer mouse speed is measured in Mickeys.

Penguins cam swim up to speeds of 25 mph.

the letter J
Photo of tooth with flowers coming out of the top.

Human teeth are the only body part that cannot heal themselves. Teeth are coated in enamel, which is not a living tissue.

computer mouse

An ant called a ManhattAnt lives within 14 blocks of New York City. They can survive in urban environments.

The letter J is the last letter that was added to the alphabet.